. display in 68x24 .. display in 88x24 .. pygments yaml? (only file breaks (---) tinted) .. slide on high level v3 changes .. slide on nodepool .. transition:: dissolve :duration: 0.4 Test Slide ========== .. hidetitle:: .. ansi:: images/testslide.ans Preshow ======= .. hidetitle:: .. ansi:: images/cursor.ans images/cursor2.ans Zuul ==== .. hidetitle:: .. ansi:: images/title.ans Red Hat ======= .. hidetitle:: .. container:: handout i work for .. ansi:: images/redhat.ans Ansible ======= .. hidetitle:: .. ansi:: images/ansible.ans Zuul ==== .. hidetitle:: .. ansi:: images/zuul.ans What Zuul Does ============== * gated changes * one or more git repositories * integrated deliverable * testing like deployment Underlying Philosophy ===================== * All changes flow through code review * Changes only land if they pass all tests * Computers are cheaper than humans Ramifications of Philosophy =========================== * No direct push access for anyone * Software should be installable from source * Testing should be automated and repeatable * Developers write tests with their patches * Code always works Getting to Gating ================= No Tests / Manual Tests ======================= * No test automation exists or ... * Developer runs test suite before pushing code * Prone to developer skipping tests for "trivial" changes * Doesn't scale organizationally Periodic Testing ================ * Developers push changes directly to shared branch * CI system runs tests from time to time - report if things still work * "Who broke the build?" * Leads to hacks like NVIE model Post-Merge Testing ================== * Developers push changes directly to shared branch * CI system is triggered by push - reports if push broke something * Frequently batched / rolled up * Easier to diagnose which change broke things * Reactive - the bad changes are already in Pre-review Testing ================== * Changes are pushed to code review (Gerrit Change, GitHub PR, etc) * CI system is triggered by code review change creation * Test results inform review decisions * Proactive - testing code before it lands * Reviewers can get bored waiting for tests * Only tests code as written, not potential result of merging code Gating ====== * Changes are pushed to code review * CI system is triggered by code review approval * CI system merges code IFF tests pass * Proactive - testing code before it lands * Future state resulting from merge of code is tested * Reviewers can fire-and-forget safely Mix and Match ============= * Zuul supports all of those modes * Zuul users frequently combine them * Run pre-review (check) and gating (gate) on each change * Post-merge/post-tag for release/publication automation * Periodic for catching bitrot Multi-repository integration ============================ * Multiple source repositories are needed for deliverable * Future state to be tested is the future state of all involved repos To test proposed future state ============================= * Get tip of each project. Merge appropriate change. Test. * Changes must be serialized, otherwise state under test is invalid. * Integrated deliverable repos share serialized queue Speculative Execution ===================== * Correct parallel processing of serialized future states * Create virtual serial queue of changes for each deliverable * Assume each change will pass its tests * Test successive changes with previous changes applied to starting state Nearest Non-Failing Change ========================== (aka 'The Jim Blair Algorithm') * If a change fails, move it aside * Cancel all test jobs behind it in the queue * Reparent queue items on the nearest non-failing change * Restart tests with new state Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: pan .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-00.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-01.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-02.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-03.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-04.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-05.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-06.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-07.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-08.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-09.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-10.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-11.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-12.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-13.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-14.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-15.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-16.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-17.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-18.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-19.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-20.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-21.ans Zuul Simulation =============== .. transition:: cut .. container:: handout * todo .. ansi:: images/zsim-22.ans Cross-Project Dependencies ========================== Testing or gating dependencies manually specified by developers .. container:: progressive * nodepool https://review.openstack.org/612168 Make functional src jobs actually install from source * openstacksdk https://review.openstack.org/612186 Don't start task managers passed in to Connection Depends-On: https://review.openstack.org/612168 * openstacksdk https://review.openstack.org/604521 Add support for per-service rate limits (git parent is 612186) * nodepool https://review.openstack.org/612169 Consume rate limiting task manager from openstacksdk Depends-On: https://review.openstack.org/604521 (nodepool-functional-py35-src should pass, but nodepool-functional-py35 should not fail until openstacksdk release) Live Configuration Changes ========================== .. container:: handout Zuul is a distributed system, with a distributed configuration. .. code:: yaml - tenant: name: openstack source: gerrit: config-repos: - openstack-infra/project-config project-repos: - openstack/nova - openstack/keystone - openstack-infra/devstack-gate Zuul Startup ============ * Read config file Zuul Startup ============ * Read config file * Ask mergers for branches of each repo .. ansi:: images/startup1.ans Zuul Startup ============ * Read config file * Ask mergers for branches of each repo * Ask mergers for .zuul.yaml for each branch of each repo .. ansi:: images/startup2.ans When .zuul.yaml Changes ======================= .. container:: progressive * Zuul looks for changes to .zuul.yaml * Asks mergers for updated content * Splices into configuration used for that change * Works with cross-repo dependencies ("This change depends on a change to the job definition") Zuul Architecture ================= .. ansi:: images/architecture.ans Nodepool ======== * A separate program that works very closely with *Zuul* * Creates and destroys zero or more node resources * Resources can include VMs, Containers, COE contexts or Bare Metals * Static driver for allocating pre-existing nodes to jobs * Optionally periodically builds images and uploads to clouds Nodepool Launcher ================= Where build nodes should come from * OpenStack * Static In review: * Kubernetes * OpenShift * AWS In work / coming soon: * Azure * GCE * Mac Stadium What about test/job content? ============================ * Written in Ansible * Ansible is excellent at running one or more tasks in one or more places * The answer to "how do I" is almost always "Ansible" What Zuul Does ============== * Listens for code events * Prepares appropriate job config and git repo states * Allocates nodes for test jobs * Pushes git repo states to nodes * Runs user-defined Ansible playbooks * Collects/reports results * Potentially merges change OpenStack Infra - Largest Known Zuul ==================================== * 2KJPH (2,000 jobs per hour) * Build Nodes from 16 Regions of 5 Public and 3 Private OpenStack Clouds * Rackspace, Internap, OVH, Vexxhost, CityCloud * Linaro, Limestone, Packethost * 10,000 changes merged per month Zuul is not New =============== * Has been in Production for OpenStack for Six Years * Zuul is now a top-level effort of OpenStack Foundation * Zuul is in production for OpenStack (Control Plane in OpenStack VMs) * Zuul v3 first release where not-OpenStack is first-class use case Not just for OpenStack ====================== * BMW (control plane in OpenShift) * GoDaddy (control plane in Kubernetes) * Easystack * OpenContrail * OpenLab * Red Hat * others ... Code Review Systems =================== * Gerrit * GitHub (Public and Enterprise) In work / coming soon: * GitLab * Bitbucket Support for non-git =================== .. container:: progressive * Nope * helix4git *may* work for perforce, but is untested Installation of Software ======================== Ways to Install Zuul ==================== * Windmill: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/windmill * Software Factory: https://softwarefactory-project.io/ * Puppet: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/puppet-zuul * Containers: https://hub.docker.com/_/zuul/ Zuul Containers =============== * Published on every commit * Application/Process containers * Config / Data should be bind-mounted in zuul/zuul-executor ================== * In k8s, zuul-executor must be run privileged * Uses bubblewrap for unprivileged sanboxing * Restriction may be lifted in the future Release Management ================== * Zuul is a CI system * C stands for "Continuous" * It is run Continuously Delivered and Deployed upstream * Releases are tagged from code run upstream * There is no intent to have a 'stable' release * 'stable' is a synonym for "old and buggy" zuul/zuul-scheduler =================== * SPOF * We're working on it * Recommend running scheduler from tags Quick Start =========== https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/admin/quick-start.html Important Links =============== * https://zuul-ci.org/ * https://git.zuul-ci.org/cgit/zuul * https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul * https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul-jobs/ * https://docs.openstack.org/infra/openstack-zuul-jobs/ * freenode:#zuul Questions ========= .. ansi:: images/questions.ans Quick Start Prereq ================== * Install docker, docker-compose, git-review Debian/Ubuntu: :: sudo apt-get install docker-compose git git-review RHEL / CentOS / Fedora: :: sudo yum install docker docker-compose git git-review OpenSuse: :: sudo zypper install docker docker-compose git git-review RHEL / CentOS / Fedora / OpenSuse :: sudo systemctl enable docker.service sudo systemctl start docker.service Actual Quick Start ================== * git clone https://git.zuul-ci.org/zuul * cd zuul * cd doc/source/admin/examples * docker-compose up What's Running ============== * Zookeeper * Gerrit * Nodepool Launcher * Zuul Scheduler * Zuul Web Server * Zuul Executor * Apache HTTPD * A container to use as a 'static' build node How they're connected ===================== * End Users talk to Gerrit and Apache HTTPD * Zuul Scheduler talks to Gerrit * Nodepool Launcher, Zuul Scheduler, Zuul Web talk to Zookeeper * Zuul Executor talks to Zuul Scheduler (using Gearman) Initial provided config ======================= * docker-compose has plumbed in basic config ``etc_zuul/zuul.conf`` and ``etc_zuul/main.yaml`` * Gerrit Connection named "gerrit" * Zuul user for that connection * Git connection named "zuul-ci.org" for ``zuul-jobs`` standard library Initial tenant ============== * Zuul is (always) multi-tenant * Example config contains a tenant called ``example-tenant`` * Three projects in the ``example-tenant`` tenant: ``zuul-config``, ``test1``, ``test2`` * Three projects are also in gerrit ready to use zuul.conf ========= :: [gearman] server=scheduler [gearman_server] start=true [zookeeper] hosts=zk [scheduler] tenant_config=/etc/zuul/main.yaml [web] listen_address= [executor] private_key_file=/var/ssh/nodepool default_username=root zuul.conf part 2 ================ :: [connection "gerrit"] name=gerrit driver=gerrit server=gerrit sshkey=/var/ssh/zuul user=zuul password=secret baseurl=http://gerrit:8080 auth_type=basic [connection "zuul-ci.org"] name=zuul-ci driver=git baseurl=https://git.zuul-ci.org/ main.yaml ========= :: - tenant: name: example-tenant source: gerrit: config-projects: - zuul-config untrusted-projects: - test1 - test2 zuul-ci.org: untrusted-projects: - zuul-jobs: include: - job Gerrit Account ============== * Need a user account to interact with Gerrit * Gerrit is configured in dev mode - no passwords required * Visit http://localhost:8080 * Click "Become" * Click "New Account" * Click "Register" * Enter Full Name * Click "Save Changes" * Enter username in Username field (match your local laptop user) * Copy ``~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`` contents into SSH Key field * Click Continue Config Repo =========== * ``zuul-config`` is a trusted ``config-repo`` * Security and functionality of system depend on this repo * Limit its contents to minimum required Config Files vs. Directories ============================ * Zuul reads config from: ``.zuul.yaml``, ``zuul.yaml``, ``zuul.d`` or ``.zuul.d`` * For projects with substantial zuul config, like ``zuul-config`` ``zuul.d`` directory is likely best. * The directories are read run-parts style. * Recommended practice is splitting by type of object Setting up Gating ================= * We want to have changes to ``zuul-config`` be gated * We need to define pipelines: ``check`` and ``gate`` * Need to attach ``zuul-config`` to them * Start with builtin ``noop`` job (always return success) * Use regex to attach all projects to ``check`` and ``gate`` Pipeline Definitions ==================== * Zuul has no built-in workflow definitions, let's add ``check`` and ``gate`` check pipeline ============== :: - pipeline: name: check description: | Newly uploaded patchsets enter this pipeline to receive an initial +/-1 Verified vote. manager: independent require: gerrit: open: True current-patchset: True trigger: gerrit: - event: patchset-created - event: change-restored success: gerrit: Verified: 1 failure: gerrit: Verified: -1 gate pipeline ============= :: - pipeline: name: gate description: | Changes that have been approved are enqueued in order in this pipeline, and if they pass tests, will be merged. manager: dependent post-review: True require: gerrit: open: True current-patchset: True approval: - Workflow: 1 trigger: gerrit: - event: comment-added approval: - Workflow: 1 start: gerrit: Verified: 0 success: gerrit: Verified: 2 submit: true failure: gerrit: Verified: -2 Add the pipeline definitions ============================ .. code-block:: bash git clone http://localhost:8080/zuul-config cd zuul-config mkdir zuul.d cp ../examples/zuul-config/zuul.d/pipelines.yaml . Shared Project Pipeline Definition ================================== In ``examples/zuul-config/zuul.d/projects.yaml`` .. code-block:: yaml - project: name: ^.*$ check: jobs: [] gate: jobs: [] - project: name: zuul-config check: jobs: - noop gate: jobs: - noop Attach the projects to the pipelines ==================================== .. code-block:: bash cp ../examples/zuul-config/zuul.d/projects.yaml . Commit the changes and push up for review ========================================= .. code-block:: bash git add zuul.d git commit git review Force merging bootstrap config ============================== * Zuul is running with no config, so it won't do anything * For this change (and this change only) we will bypass gating Reviewing normally ================== * visit http://localhost:8080/#/c/zuul-config/+/1001/ * click reply * vote +2 Code Review +1 Approved Verified +2 is Missing ====================== Verified +2 is what we have zuul configured to do. :: success: gerrit: Verified: 2 submit: true Bypassing Gating ================ * visit http://localhost:8080/ * click 'switch account' * click 'admin' * visit http://localhost:8080/#/c/zuul-config/+/1001/ * click reply * vote +2 Verified (normal users do not see this) * click submit (normal users do not see this) * click 'switch account' * click your username Base Job ======== * Every Zuul installation must define a ``base`` job * Push git repos to build node * Publish logs/artifacts * Any local specific setup * Goes in config repo - because it impacts EVERY job Add Base Job to zuul-config =========================== :: cp ../examples/zuul-config/zuul.d/jobs.yaml . git add jobs.yaml git commit git review Then go to http://localhost:8080/#/c/zuul-config/+/1002/ and approve it Zuul should merge the patch =========================== zuul-config is configured to use the ``noop`` job Zuul tests syntax automatically =============================== * Edit jobs.yaml * Change ``parent: null`` to ``parent: broken`` * git commit ; git review * Check out the review in gerrit ... there should be errors! Presentty ========= .. hidetitle:: .. transition:: pan .. figlet:: Presentty * Console presentations written in reStructuredText * Cross-fade, pan, tilt, cut transitions * https://pypi.python.org/pypi/presentty