Who am I?

Distinguished Engineer

IBM Cloud

Who am I?

Technical Committee

Foundation Board of Directors

Developer Infrastructure Core Team

What are we going to talk about?


As an application developer,
I want to deploy and run an application on the internet so that my customers all over the world can consume it.

As an application developer,
I want to deploy and run an application in a location of my choosing so that I can comply with regulatory demands.

As an application developer,
I want to deploy the application across multiple clouds so that my service survives issues in any one of them.


I'm doing it myself as we speak

10-20k VMs per-day

3 (soon to be 6) clouds

Only using OpenStack APIs

OpenStack Infra

Tooling, Automation and CI for OpenStack Project

2000 Developers

Gated Commits

Every commit is fully integration tested (twice) before landing

Each Test Runs on a Single Use Cloud Slave

This is that "cloud scale out" part

1.7 Million Test Jobs in the last 6 Months

15 Million Tests in a month

18 Terabytes of Log Data in six months

We have no servers

Coming soon:

Our VMs are everywhere




Fun Numbers


OpenStack Works!

Why should you care?

Three Benefits to OpenStack

Run what you want

Cloud-native 12-factor application

Traditional Java web application

Kerberos Server

Baremetal for hardware enabled transcoding

Run it where you want


Delivery Model

Hybrid cloud is everything

Do Business with who you want

Want to do business with someone who throws chairs in business meetings?

Me either.

Prefer to work with someone wth a local presence?

Maybe someone with a global reach?

Who cares about your business being successful?

All of those things?

OpenStack is over 400 companies

European Public Clouds

OVH: France

CityCloud: Sweden, UK

Elastx: Sweden

Datacentred: UK

Ultimum: Prague

Enter Cloud Suite: Italy, Germany, Frankfurt

Global Reach

Blue Box Dedicated: In every Softlayer Data Center Worldwide

Including right here in Amsterdam

Blue Box Local: Same thing, but in your DC

OpenStack gives you the power to make the choices that are right for you and for your business

Thank you!


twitter: @e_monty