Current Quota

808 Nodes



Multi-cloud FTW

... and we still limped along.

Nodes in Use

808 Node Max Quota

Averaged over the entire time period in question

Time spent on Projects

Time spent running jobs for projects of groups of projects.

Does not account for multi-node

'Integrated' is the set of projects that were in the integrated release back when we had one

Feb 28 -- Mar 9

Milestone 3, feature/requirements freeze

Total time all projects:        226042021
Total time official projects:   224206325  99.2%
Total time unofficial projects:   1835696   0.8%
Total time integrated projects: 127325612  56.3%
Total time non-voting jobs:      76931278  34.0%

Mar 11 -- Mar 21

RC1 target

Total time all projects:        131665133  (58% of usage of previous period)
Total time official projects:   129752051  98.5%
Total time unofficial projects:   1913082   1.5%
Total time integrated projects:  59619553  45.3%
Total time non-voting jobs:      46111506  35.0%

Mar 28 -- April 7

Final RC, release

Total time all projects:        186115455  (141% of usage of previous period)
Total time official projects:   182577152  98.1%
Total time unofficial projects:   3538303   1.9%
Total time integrated projects:  91231261  49.0%
Total time non-voting jobs:      60635432  32.5%

Control Plane

Quick shout-out to Rackspace, who provide our control plane all by themselves

What is needed?

DCO implementation status